Technology Solutions for Aquaculture & Life
Springtide Innovations is creating an ecosystem of technology tools that are transforming aquaculture and the ways we manage our business and customer relations.
Our core business is Springtide Seaweed, LLC, the largest USDA Organic Certified seaweed farm in Maine.
We provide nursery and farm technology and services to cultivate over five species of seaweed.
We are leading the industry in developing extracts, pellets, and gels for the food, nutraceutical, and agricultural industries.
We also offer consulting services to seaweed farmers and investors.
We are the founder of the Maine Seaweed Exchange, a non-profit devoted to seaweed aquaculture education and research.
We offer consulting services to farmers and investors. We offer a 45 minute initial Zoom consultation for $85 to discuss your needs. You can book a slot here.
Our Projects
Experience and Imagination to Create Innovative Solutions.
Dulse & Nori
New Markets
We are commercializing a unique grow out technology for two of the most valuable seaweed species in the world.
Substrates Matter
New Technology
We are developing and testing new substrates that maximize yield and reduce biofouling. Truly transformational.
Optimizing Farms
Beyond Longlines
Modeling to inform seaweed farm design for optimizing growth, production, and advancement of the marine aquaculture industry.
Deep Water
Going Deep
Utilizing remote sensing to utilize the full water column for seaweed and shellfish aquaculture.
Growing Modules
Versatile Farming
Developed seaweed growing modules for both horizontal and vertical deployment.
Testing Matters
Beyond Quality
Unique product testing program to assure product safety and potency.
Drying Technology
Value Added
Industry partner in the development of a unique mobile drying system for kelps.
Nori, Nori, Nori
New Crops
A new seaweed growing system for nori production in the Northeast Atlantic utilizing unique genetics.
Industry Recognition
Recognized. Published.
We have been recognized as speakers, presenters, and experts on aquaculture, seaweed, sustainable food systems, food safety, and food tech.
Product Development
Food. Ag. Pharma.
We are creating innovative new products for the food, nutraceutical, and agricultural industries
Social License
Smart Gear
Creating an innovative smart gear system that self monitors integrity and loads. The future of smart gear.
Beyond Seaweed
Seaweed and urchins in an integrated system while creating shellfish halo zones. Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture taken to the next level.
Oysters in the Deep
Automated Grow-Out
Utilizing a solar powered grow out system, we are transforming oyster production by cutting labor costs 75% and mitigating contamination risks.
Clean Water
Water Purification
Utilizing a low voltage electrical field and high-performance catalytic plates to create purifying oxidants resulting in long-lasting disinfection, and elimination suspended pathogens. All without chemicals or UV radiation.
Fertilizers & Feeds
Enhanced Growth. Reduced Methane Gas production.
Developing and marketing extracts, mulches, and palletized feeds and fertilizers.
Integrated Seaweed & Urchin Nursery
Growing urchins in an integrated seaweed/urchin nursery to optimize growth and gonad size.
Team Profiles
Experienced. Passionate. Committed.
Sarah Redmond
Seaweed. Seaweed. Seaweed.
Sarah essentially created the farmed seaweed industry in North America. Her nursery expertise is unequalled as is her seaweed farming expertise. She has successfully cultivated dulse, sugar kelp, skinny kelp, horsetail kelp, and nori. She is also committed to supporting sustainable aquaculture and local marine communities.
Trey Angera
Entrepreneur. Software Engineer. Technologist.
Food-Tech Innovator. Chef. Inventor.
Whether it be designing new processing technologies, advising entrepreneurs around the globe, developing innovative AI software solutions, or speaking on sustainable foods, Trey has defined innovation and created technologies and companies that have transformed the way we live. He is also an inventor, chef, and passionate about healthy living and lifestyles.
- Contact UsDon't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.
© 2020-2024 Springtide Seaweed, LLC d/b/a Springtide Innovations